Knotty Head Scarf

How to wear your Knotty...not just at the beach 😉

Days on the beach, late night bonfires, and days spent lazing in the sun by the pool. There are so many photo-worthy moments waiting to happen on the beach, but if we’re being honest sometimes our towel is killing our game - enter Knotty!

It's a towel, yes, but oh so much more! Make it a bag to carry all sunscreen, water, beach  scarves, hats, earphones, sundresses…Want to eliminate the beach bag clutter with one stylish solution? Use your Knotty!

How about a headscarf? Fashion or Function!

Or a cute mini sarong? DAISY ORIGINAL here

And when you back in town how great does our Knotty Wild look as a scarf!

Knotty Wild Scarf

Charcoal Knotty Scarf

Or while you are travelling the world...

Knotty as a scarf

And don't forget the Knotty for the guys...they love a Knotty as a simple wrap around sarong!

Knottys for the boys

Knotty Sarong


Would love to see how you use your Knotty - don't forget to tag your social posts with #myknotty for us to see 😊

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